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forfait montage drone fpv

moteur en 6s


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bon finalement je crois que je n'ai pas besoin besoin de changer de moteur pour le moment...

Rated for use with 2-3S LiPo. Tested to work on 4s as well, however may shorten life of the motor and we cannot warranty motors used on 4s. Comes with 110mm long motor wires and male 2mm bullet connectors. This motor uses high quality parts and bearings.

For pilots that are looking for high performance on a 3s lipo the FX2206-13 will deliver, it can be run on a 4s lipo, however the motor life will be reduced and warranty will not apply due to over working the motor, many race pilots will run these motors on 4s lipos for a few races. The motor has a 5mm diameter prop adapter and comes with a spinner and mounting plate with screws.

The FX2206-13 motor is rated for use with 2-3S LiPo and comes with 110mm long motor wires and male 2mm bullet connectors. This motor uses high quality parts and bearings


ce qui veux dire qu'en matière de moteurs le test fait fois ;)

C'est juste qu'il ce dégrade beaucoup plus vite, du coup pour éviter les sav prematurer il définisse une limite en tension pour être tranquille. ?

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