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BF 10.5.1


Messages recommandés

Il faut faire ça intelligemment tout n'est pas reprennable, notamment les PID :

  • there are a number of flight performance related improvements in Betaflight 4.0. Therefore, pasting back-ups of the tuning settings for older versions of Betaflight into Betaflight 4.0 will most likely result in poor flight performance! The default settings in Betaflight 4.0 should be reasonably well flyable for most hardware configurations, but users wanting to tune the performance of their craft should read the 4.0 Tuning Notes to learn everything they need to know about tuning Betaflight 4.0 (#6432, #6943, #7078, #7264, #7271, #7304, #7373, #7538);

Autrement ça se passe via le CLI avec les commandes "dump" ou mieux "diff all"

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