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Machines FPV

  1. Added ELRS passthrough Added RTH abort watchdog if quad cannot gain altitude. (Thank you MikeP). Remove 26v limit for lipo voltage alarm (Thank you bad4life). Remove 230k baud option from HD0 MSP (Thank you BananaPants). Fixed pitch cutoff limit in the GUI (Thank you bad4life). Fixed VTX power limit on lua (Thank you alin) Added VTX Powers hardware tool for SA2.1 VTXses Made turtle mode on voltara less agressive (Thank you Liviu and AuxPlumes) Disabled lipo alarm beeper when usb is connected (Thank you alin) Fixed more than 4 motors support for AM32 passthrough. Always show Beep on Alarm setting (Thank you alin) Add quad power wattage to statistics (Thank you alin) Fixed logger bug when Yaw D = 0 (Thank you alin) Removed current divider from gui and osd when its cant be used (Thank you alin) Lire la source
  2. Added AHI for analog and O3 osd. Added passthrough for AM32 escs. Added "Craft Safety" feature. Lire la source
  3. Fixed 3D model rotation (Thank you MikeP) Added channel order selector (TAER, AETR) (Thank you krunked and limon (Ivan)) Added configurable buzzer alarm on low lipo. (Thank you PR-FPV) Fixed rare main menu redraw issue on analog osd Moved serial port configuration to separate page in osd Added configurable motor magnets to osd (Advanced) Improved RPM assist. A LOT! Rewritten blackbox logger support for latest BF 4.5 goodies. (Thank you BF) Added full flight spectrograph for analog osd. (Hardware tools, Gyro spectrum) Added Gyro spectrum source (raw or filtered) to osd. (Filters page) Fixed call sign editor on analog osd (Thank you Alin) Fixed occasional motor wizard saving issue on blheli (Thank you BangDingOww and Rodrigo Bouvier) Fixed TBS Crossfire tool to support 3.36 (Thank you Alin) Lire la source
  4. Improved level mode (please set MKP=150 in OSD. FC Config / Advanced settings) Improved RTH Fixed bug with level mode switch in RTH (Thank you Kostanye) Fixed UI bug in voltage offset editor (Thank you Alin) Lire la source
  5. Even more improved adaptive filter 😉 Added battery selector tool for HD OSD. Added P/D gain category to inflight tuning. Added extra safeties for first arming. Changed buzzer logic on blheli32. Lire la source
  6. Added Tracer detection. Just to be consistent. 🙂 Improved GPS code. Improved adaptive filter. Added UBX protocol data to GPS Test. Fixed transition from analog osd to hd and back in the gui. Fixed crossfire power level 50mw (protocol revision 10). Fixed RSSI showing 100% without transmitter powered. Lire la source
  7. PLEASE CHANGE YOUR ELRS RECEIVER BAUD RATE BACK TO STOCK VALUE (420000 baud)!!! Added receiver CRC error count to statistics. Added ELRS receiver AUTO detection. Removed crossfire tool from OSD when ELRS is detected. Fixed bug in statistics if quad was armed more then 16 times in one session. Removed cinematic frame from OSD. Cleaned up Ultra setup tool to hide analog pages in HD. Keeping it tide! Cleaned up FC setup tool to hide analog pages in HD. Keeping it tide! Cleaned up Hardware tools to hide GPS tool when no GPS present. Keeping it tide! Changed serial port configuration in the OSD. Lire la source
  8. Changed YAW pid control Added sensor name to sensor editor screen. Fixed turtle mode and ultra osd interaction. Fixed turtle mode reliability when set on 'medium' switch. Fixed configuring esc from wizard without previously configured voltage sensor source. Force extended/transparent fonts on HD0/WTF setups. On WS it is still configurable (till they release new version). Lire la source
  9. Changed RTH ascend throttle logic Changed PID controller Added configurable pid boost for fast throttle movements Added configurable MSP Disarm Delay (default 5 seconds) Added configurable RPM Assistance Fixed MSP disarm Delay bug on O3 systems. Lire la source
  10. Added setpoint to the log Added battery cell count config (auto default) Added "Total distance" sensor. Added "Return Home!" alarm when point of no return reached. Works when "Total distance" sensor enabled. Added 5 seconds delay between disarming and HD going to low power mode. (thank you DaruFPV) Fixed BB log to work with latest BB explorer (3.6) Fixed bug when home point was reset after rearm Rewritten fettec esc passthrough (old) code (at least works in web gui of FT 🙂 Lire la source
  11. Added new level mode code Added Soft Arm for level mode Added on and off messages for level mode Added crossfire protocol selection (v2/v2+v3) Improved RTH code on experimental pid controller Improved DSHOT code (DS2400) Fixed GPS sensors invisibility before fix in UBX mode (Thank you meatservo) Fixed bug in blackbox logger code Fixed bug when motor test keeps running when usb cable accidentally unplugged. (Thank you colzilla) Fixed annoying artefact on right edge on some analog dvrs. Lire la source
  12. Added DSHOT telemetry motor rpm info calculation to adaptive filter logic 🙂 Works with ALL ESCS. Added separate sensors source for Voltage and Current Added different battery types (Lipo, HV and Li-ion) Added receiver center point and calibration Added current to data output graph, in System Changed filtering on voltage and current analog sensors Removed Serial 5 hack for blheli32 Removed ESC Telemetry/VTX combined option from serial port configuration Fixed duration error in the statistic on experimental mode Lire la source
  13. Open bottle of Champagne (live stream) 🙂 Added DJI O3 HD OSD support Fixed startup messages visibility on HD systems. HD is just too slow to boooooooooooooooot 😉 Disabled Factory Reset functionality/button if lipo is connected (Safety first!) Lire la source
  14. Added Factory Reset. GUI 3.0.24 required. Added GUI presets to OSD (FC config, PIDS page, hold select) Added mouse support on all pages of the OSD Fixed menu visibility of certain items only when they make sense 🙂 Fixed bug with wrong cc pad mode set, when config was migrated from v1 blheli setup to v2 kiss setup. (Thank you Alin Victor) Fixed bug of sensor moving on VERY fast mouse movements in HD osd editor. (Thank you Alin Victor and MANDOXsquid) Lire la source
  15. Added mouse support for osd mirror (Thank you MikeP, Alin Victor, EbrFPV and many others for testing and feedback!) Added flight performance parameters to inflight tuning (AF and BF) Added confirmation beeps on all configuration changes Lire la source
  16. Added Acceleration Factor feature Fixed TBS Crossfire tools Fixed HD menu position Lire la source
  17. Small bug creeped in 🙂 Fixed bug when it is not possible to move sensors in osd editor when you are in NON CANVAS MSP OSD mode aka OLD DJI 😉 If you are using canvas mode - you DONT have to update. Thanks parasite_fpv for spotting the bug 🙂 Lire la source
  18. Added HD OSD mirror Added fast msp baudrate Added font transparency More info and downloads available in the wiki Lire la source
  19. HD OSD changes HD OSD extended fonts support (DJI WTF/Walksnail/HD0) Added experimental flight code DJI O3 SBUS receiver fixes Fixed ESC info bugs Small fixes and improvements all over the place 🙂 Big thanks to all you guys for testing and feedback on this release! More info: Lire la source
  20. Fixed bug when last line on HD osd (all but O3) was not visible. Thanks Frischling95 for reporting. Lire la source
  21. Added DJI O3 OSD support (GUI 3.0.19 required). Lire la source
  22. Added inflight tuning for rates an tpa Added reminder to save config after inflight tuning Added inflight tuning selector in ULTRA SETUP (last page) Fixed DJI (MSP) voltage overflow bug when LIPO voltage more then 25.5v (Thank you Aron!) Fixed TPA bug when BP2 is set to 100% Fixed ESC temperature sensor visibility if no telemetry enabled Lire la source
  23. Added support for Motor Wizard Fixed blheli beep code. Now u have signature kiss 3 beeps on all escs. Some small bugs fixed on the way. Config bumped to 137 Lire la source
  24. Added Inflight Tuning Information about how to set it up and how to use it available in the WIKI. Lire la source
  25. Added "ULTR" as FC identifier for msp_osd package. No more need for fonts for DJI OSD on SD Card. Fonts are INCLUDED to the DJI FW and will be automatically selected. You need msp_osd package version v0.6.9 or newer. Lire la source
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