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betaflight release notesBetaflight 4.3.0 Release Candidate 3

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This is our third release candidate (RC3) for Betaflight 4.3.

Remember some things may need fixing and fine tuning, and there may still be bugs. Please use it with caution and report back any issues at Thank you!

IMPORTANT: Make sure you install and use the latest version of the Betaflight Configurator (10.8-RC3 or higher) from before updating your firmware.

To get the best out of the flight performance improvements, please read the Tuning Notes.

If you want to talk about Betaflight, ask configuration questions, or just hang out with fellow pilots, you can do this in our Facebook group.

Betaflight also has a presence on the Discord messaging platform. Come and join us. Most developers hang out there, so this is a great place to talk about the things you are tinkering with in Betaflight, or get help with really complicated configuration problems.

Betaflight 4.3 Release Candidate 3 brings the following updates:


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