WaF Bot Posté(e) Décembre 21, 2021 Signaler Posté(e) Décembre 21, 2021 This release includes new targets for Axisflying, NamimnoRC, and the Steadyview VRx module. Flashing can be done through the ExpressLRS Configurator, or by starting the Backpack WiFi and uploading a precompiled binary found below. Be sure to checkout the wiki for information about the Backpack communication system, flashing, building, and setup. There is also a section on how to bind your Backpacks which will be required when using these precompiled binary releases... Dont worry, its painless https://github.com/ExpressLRS/Backpack/wikihttps://github.com/ExpressLRS/Backpack/wiki#binding VTx Administrator Demo - https://youtu.be/nlhu4gW8kkw Rapidfire Backpack Demo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh3Ifj95WCI RX5808 Backpack Demo - https://youtu.be/IEEZkeIJ1OULire la source
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