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ExpressLRS V3.4.3

WaF Bot

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Changes from 3.4.2

  • Bugfix - Extend HoTT TLM sensor search discovery period to prevent sensors not being detected under certain circumstances #2763
  • Bugfix - LBT: Correct receiver TXdoneCallback to improve LQ #2768
  • Bugfix - LBT: Avoid potential divide-by-zero error when using dynamic power #2781
  • Bugfix - Fix packet reception when using TLM forced off #2779
  • Bugfix - Fix saved settings (config) from being corrupted due to initial power up glitches on ESP8285 receivers #2755
  • Bugfix - Fix initial connection hangup for ESP8285 based receivers #2786


This is a bugfix/patch release and is compatible with earlier 3.x versions.

Who should update?

  • It is suggested that users with ESP8285-based receivers flash this update, for fix #2786 above
  • It is recommended EU CE (LBT) users update.
  • Anyone using HoTT protocol with TLM sensors

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