WaF Bot Posté(e) Octobre 5 Signaler Posté(e) Octobre 5 Changes since 3.5.0: Bugfixes Fixed a bug where the BLE joystick mode would cause the TX module to reset after ~25mins #2944 Fixed a bug with MAVLink where uplink commands (e.g. mission uploads, param changes, mode changes from the GCS, fly to here, etc.) would sometimes fail, even at high LQ #2963 Fixed an issue with MAVLink where ardupilot was being flooded with RC packets on very high packet rates (K1000 and F1000) #2949 and #2931 Fixed a bug on Xrossband modules where the LUA was incorrectly showing blank entries in the packet rate selection #2954 Fixed a bug that was causing the TX to jump to 1:2 telem ratio on boot (attempting to send queued MSP messages) #2965 Fixed a bug with Xrossband modules that caused sporadic link failure when changing packet rates to DK500, then to a LoRa rate #2966 Other fixes Allow CRSF radios that don't provide a module type #2950 Compatibility This is a bugfix/patch release and is compatible with earlier 3.x versions. Who should update from V3.5.0? MAVLink users. Writing missions / waypoints etc is greatly improved. Anyone using BLE joystick long periods of time (>20min). All users with dual band hardware. VTx Admin users. TBS Tango 2 users having difficulties loading Lua on V3.5 Lire la source
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