WaF Bot Posté(e) Juillet 16, 2019 Signaler Posté(e) Juillet 16, 2019 Max w value has been increased to 512 One of the first test versions of the IMUF to be added to regular flight controllers. Don't worry the Helio flight controllers are not double filtered. Test this at your own risk. It is experimental. However our testing has shown it to work very very well. But always be sure to check motor temps before attempting to absolutely rip. The defaults are conservative and we are yet to experience any hot motors with them. Good luck have fun and let us know what you think about this! Let us know what you think or any help you might need in our discord. https://discord.gg/gdP9CwE DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS Flash using the ButterFlight Configurator found here https://github.com/ButterFlight/butterflight-configurator/releases type this into the cli set dterm_lowpass_hz = 80 set yaw_lowpass_hz = 0 set buttered_pids = ON feature -ANTI_GRAVITY feature OSD feature AIRMODE set cpu_overclock = 192MHZ set gyro_use_32khz = ON set gyro_filter_q = 2500 set acc_hardware = NONE set min_throttle = 1080 set motor_pwm_protocol = MULTISHOT set motor_pwm_rate = 32000 set pid_process_denom = 2 set gyro_sync_denom = 1 set f_pitch = 0 set f_roll = 0 set f_yaw = 0 set tpa_rate = 25 set tpa_breakpoint = 1500 Multishot is not required, you can use dshot, but multishot will give a cleaner signal and use less cpu load. Something that is essential for achieving 32k. Things to note when tuning. Q and W for the Helio filter can be found under filters in the osd. Q is the trust setting of the filter. The higher the Q the more that the gyro is trusted and filtering is less. W is how many gyro samples the filter will listen to at one time. Lowering this number lowers delay on the filter but also lowers its effectiveness. I-Decay which replaces I-Term Relax can also be messed with in the pid tab of the OSD. With buttered PID's enabled you cannot use feed forward. Well I mean you can use feed forward but it creates conflicts and issues with buttered PID's. Anti-Gravity has been intentionally turned off. If your FC doesn't support 32k then just run the fastest gyro rate and PID loop rate available. But in order to get maximum performance out of the firmware 32k is recommended. That does mean however that it is unlikely you can run 32k while using dshot. It may be possible on f7 flight controllers however if you are overclocking. f4 flight controllers also need to be slightly overclocked in order to run at 32k. Aside from these instructions just set up the flight controller as normal. Try your old tune as well and see how you like it. Have fun and fly safe.Lire la source
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