WaF Bot Posté(e) mercredi à 06:09 Signaler Posté(e) mercredi à 06:09 What's Changed Fixes [4.5.2] FIX: telemetry for Spektrum/SRXL (#13814) by @haslinghuis in #13820 [4.5.2] FIX: Modify STM32F405 UID Address for MSC Enumeration (#13769) by @ainosukii in #13827 [4.5.2] Split OSD element rendering into draw and display states (#13813) by @SteveCEvans in #13839 [4.5.2] Fix angle mode rate change by @ctzsnooze in #13864 [4.5.2] Fix sbufReadData not advancing src pointer by @haslinghuis in #13873 [4.5.2] OSD background rendering (#13897) by @SteveCEvans in #13900 [4.5.2] Fix kiss passthrough by @KissUltra in #13922 [4.5.2] Don't consider a prior I2C NACK to indicate the bus to be busy (#13917) by @SteveCEvans in #13918 [4.5.2] Fix build when using SRXL telemetry (#13947) by @haslinghuis in #13950 [4.5.2] Make jeti telemetry default by @haslinghuis in #13952 [4.5.2] Fixes #13934: Fix motor(PWM protocol) spin while fc reset. (#13937) by @kedeng in #13958 [4.5.2] fix timer based bidirectional dshot command not working by @kedeng in #13991 [4.5.2] Add support for W25N02K 2Gbit/256Mbyte FLASH (#13677) by @SteveCEvans in #13989 [4.5.2] Fix SITL build by @haslinghuis in #13992 [4.5.2] Make three attempts to not only write to FLASH, but also validate it by @SteveCEvans in #14002 [4.5.2] AT32 SD card support by @SteveCEvans in #14081 [4.5.2] AT32F435 SD card support (#14018) by @SteveCEvans in #14122 [4.5.2] Leave SPI CPOL/CPHA at default for SD card (#14142) by @SteveCEvans in #14143 [4.5.2] Fix STM32G4 SPI2/SPI3 busses running at double intended clock rate (#14160) by @SteveCEvans in #14161 [4.5.2] Fix missing ACCGYRO custom alignment defines (#14092) by @haslinghuis in #14178 [4.5.2] Fix flash type by @haslinghuis in #14186 By default mark OSD element as rendered in case it's in the off blink state by @SteveCEvans in #14188 [4.5.2] Fix G4 SPI clock being double what it should be (#14207) by @SteveCEvans in #14215 [4.5.2] Fix cli serial buffer overflow by @ledvinap in #14252 [4.5.2] Maintain state for i2c_ev_handler() for each i2c bus (#14268) by @SteveCEvans in #14269 [4.5.2] Fix SmartAudio (STM32F4) (#13797) by @haslinghuis in #14283 [4.5.2] Fix SA for holybro on AT32F4 by @haslinghuis in #14246 [4.5.2] Make UBLOX_MODEL_AIRBORNE_1G default by @haslinghuis in #14299 Targets [4.5.2] AT32 add USE_SPI_DEVICE_4 by @haslinghuis in #14256 Full Changelog: 4.5.1...4.5.2 Lire la source
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