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forfait montage drone fpv

New member from across the pond


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Hello all, I just moved here to France.  I am living in the Morangis area.  I have enjoyed flying my acrobatic drone (iFlight Titan XL5) for the past 2 years, and just recently finished building my own racer (Five33 Switchback Pro HD).  I have really enjoyed the hobby from the aspect of building and flying.  But now that I am here it seems like there are a lot of regulations surrounding flying a drone.  I was hoping to find a good group of people that would be able to give me some good advice on flying here.  



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il y a une heure, Joelamoule a dit :

@Jerome si je me trompe pas tu es pas loin !

Je suis plutôt Est parisien 😉 

Welcome @samo975

Il y a 2 heures, samo975 a dit :

But now that I am here it seems like there are a lot of regulations surrounding flying a drone.

Paris' surroundings are the worst place to fly in France 😕 Regulations are not so much an issue, controls are pretty rare. But finding a spot out of city where we don't bother people is another story 😉 

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That is awesome.  it is great to see others with a similar hobby.  

As for regulations, I thought I read somewhere that I will have to pay a "licensing fee" and pass a test.  And I wasn't sure if I have to license each individual drone.  Currently all I have is my Five33 Switchback.  I just finished building it, flew it maybe 3 times and then we moved out here.  Because I had just finished building it I wanted to keep it with me.  But the rest of my FPV stuff is in a container coming by boat in maybe two months.

But maybe while I wait, could you let me know if there are any racing or group events south of Paris?  I would love to come and just see what this group is up to.

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